Her Box Says "Fashion Doll" but she is marked Horsman 82 Jody

Liz sent in a picture of her original doll in the dotted dress.
Thanks Liz.

One of the pictures from Pam of this pretty Cindy, and the catalogue
picture from Cindy Bailey of the same doll. Thanks girls.

I had this picture stored of a gorgeous bride doll. Someone got
a beauty.

Courtesy of Kathy Barna, Author of the Book "Revlon Dolls And Their Counterparts".
Now available!!!!.

17" Oriental outfit with gold snowflakes on the jacket
and capri pants. Jody

Sears Christmas catalogue, 1958

Is this a version of Evening Star? 18 1/2" Jody

This is Jody's Formal Girl doll, as a brunette and another version, same
size doll, just a smaller picture, as a blonde. Has Original Blue Rhinestone Earrings and Necklace.

It was her worst day...she lost her groom and her dress is in shambles,
but look at her...she's still a beauty. Deanna

Here are pictures of two versions of Tailored dress, sent in by Pam, as well as the one of
the plaid dress above. Pictures are a bit fuzzy until we get better ones.