These pictures were in the General Merchandise catalogue in 1957-1958,
and show some of the dresses for the Horsman Cindy. Shown above is the "Horsman in Plaid"and Horsman's "Garden Party".
The plaid dress is described as a rayon
taffeta. The smart nylon blouse features a cotton bib and black bow at the neckline. The outfit is topped with
a felt pillbox hat. The doll also wears, panties, nylon stocking, high heels, and earrings. $7.98

19" Cindy Walker. Original dress and short auburn hair. Sandy

Sears, 1958 10.5 inch Cindy and her accessories.

This dress was described in the catalogue as a flowing garden party dress in exquistive nylon eyelet, styled with pufffed
sleeves and gently rolled collar. The full taffeta peticoat and hoop skirt with a velvet sash ties in a bow, and has
long streamers in front with a flower cluster at her waistline. Dainty nylon gloves with lace trim grace her hands.
A large soft brim straw picture hat topped with a flower cluster finishes her outfit. She also wears nylon stockings,
high heels, and simulated pearl earrings. $11.98

If this doesn't look like the Cindy in the Revlon section, I will eat
your hat. This ad says Meet The Huggable Family. The only difference I can see is the bow is plaid and on the Cindy's
I have seen, it is a ribbon tie. Do you think Cindy has a family we don't know about?
Oh...these are going to be fun. I have the ad stretched out so maybe you
can see them closer, and identify some of them from little 10 inch outfits laying around.
The big picture is of Cindy in a beautiful lace blouse,
and sleek toreodore pants, with high heeled shoes.
Outfits left to right:
4 pc Coat and Hat outfit
3 pc Formal outfit
2 pc Jersy blouse and skirt
2 pc Bride outfit 2.00
2 pc Neligee Outfit
3 pc Beach Party outfit.
Anyone want to do a time warp and go shopping?


John Marchette sent in pictures from a toy catalog that was put out in 1957 with these pictures
of the fashion Horsman dolls that were for sale at that time. Thanks, so much, John.

This picture and description is also from the same General
Merchandise catalogue. The same doll as my minty Bride doll. Whew...

This is the full ad. The top of the ad is Toni. The rest are Cindy,
all of them.
