The essence in luxury from the tips of her pedicured toes to the peak of her royal crown. Her
bridal outfit includes a voluminous skirt of sheer nylon tulle with an over-skirt of elaborately embroidered seisel, fully
lined with nylon tulle. The same rich fabric molds her highly styled bodice, gloves and crown.
She wears a high count lace trimmed panties, and slip, and a nylon net underskirt with boning, rhinestone
earrings, which accents her high chignon hairdo of rooted saran.
She wears nylon hose, high heeled bridal shoes, and carries a charming floral bouquet.
She is 20" tall, all vinyl, with a jointed action torso, so that she can assume many life-like poses.
Her arms and legs are exquisitely shaped and formed, with manicured finger-nails, and pedicured toenails.
Wig colors: Blonde, Brunette, Redhead